Friday, January 16, 2009

Tonight I made wise choices! : )

Today is our 27th wedding anniversary. My step-mom gave Dave a gift card to Claim Jumper for his birthday so we decided to go there for dinner. Not a good place for a serious weight watcher! I think I did pretty well, if I do say so myself!

I ordered off the children's menu to get smaller portions. I ordered tri-tip with a small green salad and very yummy vegies on the side. I had one bite of Dave's bran muffin and two of Shelby's French fries and I splurged and had a diet-coke! It was delish!

This looked good...but I didn't have any! : )


  1. I am very impressed that you passed up the mile high cake. And I'm cracking up that you took Shelby with you to your romantic anniversary dinner. I thought that was something only Joe and I did.

  2. I take Alex on those, too! -Janice
