Saturday, January 31, 2009

This could be my final posting!

Well, I'm headed to cardiac hill. There is a considerable chance that I will collapse and die so I thought I'd post my burial wishes just in case:

You can bury me in the cheapest coffin available, I don't even mind if it's made of Styrofoam, but DO NOT bury me in the vertical position. I know it's cheaper, but it freaks me out. Lay me down horizontally, and line my casket with pics of Tim McGraw. This way you know I will most definitely rest in peace!

Jessica is going with me so she can be the one to call 911 and report my cardiac arrest. One thing's for's not gonna be pretty! Wish me luck!


  1. Ewwww. Do people really get buried vertically? How do they keep them from sliding down to the bottom of the casket?

  2. They don't! That's why it's so creepy. You are basically like a pretzel in the fetal position. Not good!
