Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Say good-bye to two more pounds!

I'm so excited! I lost two more pounds this week...making my total loss eight pounds! I would love to make it to 10 by next week. OK, I'll just set the goal right now...I will make it to 10 by next week. I hate doing that because I don't want to be disappointed but I know I can do it so I'm gonna go for it!

I'm really starting to enjoy the people at my WW meetings. They are very supportive! I feel like an alcoholic or something, but it's true, the support really is helpful. Our leader is great! I like her so much!

I made my goal of exercising three times last week. They were lame workouts but they were workouts none the less. This week I'm gonna step it up. I will walk up and down cardiac hill four times at least three times this coming week. Ugggg....I have a love hate relationship with that stupid hill. I love the way it helps me lose weight but I hate walking up and down it! I'll take Jake's iPod and listen to some good ol' classic rock. That should help me out. I'll walk with Styx, Journey, Boston and Kansas!

I'm feeling pretty excited about this now and I'm so grateful to be able to be back on this journey!


  1. Hooray for Pam!!!! I love your blog. You make me laugh and keep me inspired. You will definitely be down 10 pounds by your next weigh in.

  2. yay for you! Keep up the good work! I have found 1.6 of your 2 pounds this week : ) hopefully I won't keep it very long!
