Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I want just one chin!

Well, here I go again, on another weight loss journey. I went back to Weight Watchers today. My wonderful (and skinny) daughter, Jessica, gave me money for Christmas and I used it to join WW. So I decided to blog my weight loss journey and call it "Just One Chin" because I'm really tired of having two!

I did WW a few years ago and it worked great! I lost 41 pounds in about 6 months and I felt so good. I kept it off for quite a while but then I let stress get the best of me and next thing ya know, there I am, back to having multiple chins.

I'll be reporting my loss on the blog and also probably whining a lot. I'll try and make it funny, but hunger can make a girl crabby so I can't promise anything.

I will never ever ever ever post how much I weigh. That is a number that will be guarded in the deepest part of my brain and nothing...let me repeat...nothing will get me to reveal that very chubby number.

As far as my before picture, I know what you're thinking, it's hideous. To that I say thank you! Before pics are supposed to be hideous. It's a requirement that they be truly awful so when I eventually post my after picture the difference will be jaw dropping.

As far as my blog background goes, I chose strawberries because they are very healthy and very low in WW points, and delicious dipped in chocolate! Oops, you can see why I've found myself creating this blog. Chocolate is my best friend. I know it's wrong, but it's true. Today at the WW meeting (if you've never been to one you truly must go to at least one before you're on the other side of the dirt) anyway, today at the meeting the leader said "Soup is our friend." In my mind I thought, "Soup may be my friend, but chocolate is my love!"

Getting back to the meetings, they are so silly. The first time I ever went to one I swore I was in kindergarten, either that or at a 12-step program. As far as the kindergarten part goes, you get star stickers...I'm not kidding...for sharing good ideas, and people clap if you lose as much as half an ounce. As far as the 12-step part is concerned, there's a whole lot of confessing going on, and most people stick with only their first names. We may be chubby, but we still have our pride.

I won't be logging every single thing I stick in my mouth, but I will tell you that by 2:00 today I was beyond starving. If you do WW right they say you shouldn't be hungry, but we'll see about that. Last time I did it I was eventually less hungry, but I was still wanting more than I was getting, especially in the chocolate department!

My posts won't all be this long, but right now I am in the mood to snack so instead of using my fingers to hoist sinful food into my mouth I'm using them to type. I will go to the silly meeting every Wednesday morning and then I will report on my progress.

Wish me luck...I'm gonna need it! Losing it is truly the easy's keeping it off that's so darn tough. Oh, one more thing, I have to give a shout out to my inspiration...Marianne Griffiths. Marianne, you have inspired me to get in shape and I can't thank you enough. You look amazing!

That's all for now. Time to make dinner...whole wheat pasta, marinara sauce with zucchini and green peppers served with green salad. Yum! Yum!


  1. You have the best sense of humor!! I love it!! I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard at your description of the meetings. They are VERY interest but much better enjoyed with a friend : ) You are too kind, you were my inspriration your first round. You are going to do great!!! Oatmeal breakfast, turkey sandwich lunch and chicken/veggie dinners here you come! I am so happy for you! Please let me know if I can help at all. I still go to meetings too.

  2. Only someone who has actually attended a WW meeting would understand what I'm talking about. The funny thing is, last time I really got into it and I was giddy when I would get the five pound stars. I'm eating oatmeal right now and I'll be staring at a turkey sandwich about noon today. Good advise! I truly want to feel better, and I know I will as I stick with the program. Whenever I'm tempted I'm going to think about my skinny friend, Marianne! : )
